Sweet Spooks: Happy Valentine’s Day

I sincerely hope everyone is having thee best Valentine’s Day!πŸ’œ

Personally, I just woke up, and with a migraine at that so I’m struggling a little bit. πŸ˜”

On the upside! The Valentine’s Day look I promised is here and ready to be loved by you! 

Love her, dammit.😏πŸ”ͺ

VIDEO: Upclose look

Backstory: This look is inspired by the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland with a little bit of tragic romance at play. She tried to escape the story and chase her heart’s desire only to end up as a victim of her own doing. Deep shit right? 😌 I know.

I really loved working on this as it was my first original in a long time. I am also so proud of how clean the effects in this look came out. I did such a great job of painting and blending that’s it very near seamless here!πŸ˜€ also, one of a few times when I’ve actually been completely in love with a beauty makeup! I feel the red and gold feathered cheeks are messy and perfect all at once. I just love it. β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œπŸ’œ

PHOTO: The process


To accomplish this look I used Mehron’s Starblend Cake in White to block out her skin in that porcelain color (btw, I’m in LOVE with the Starblend cake as of late. I really need to order several more in other shades because it just paints so freakin’ well!πŸ˜€πŸ’œπŸ’œ), Devinah Cosmetics Eyeshadows in Blazed, #Fierce, Daybreak (two unlabeled copper Browns that make me so sad that I don’t remember which they are 😫) and the Arcadia highlighter, and the lovely bit of gold feathered on the cheeks and used to gradient her lips is a Limited Edition Highlighter from Bitter Lace Beauty called Sweater Weather. For the  SFX stuff, you’re looking at shredded book pages for the under-skin (don’t worry, it was a terrible book πŸ˜‚ and i loved the effect it gave this look!), tissue paper for the ripped skin, two thin layers of wax to hold and give dimension to the two cut playing cards used. I also used a bit of black silicone based slime to add thick dimension to the theatre blood!☺️

So, no, I haven’t yet graduated from using basic powders for SFX makeup, but! I will say that the Mehron is a good start as it’s used mainly as a wet-to-dry, and I’ve learned how to work the opaqueness of the makeup based on water usage. ☺️ In June, for my birthday I’m hoping I will be able to purchase myself one of the PPI Skin Illustrator Pallettes to start using alcohol activated real-deal SFX makeup! πŸ˜ŒπŸ’œ

I think I’m ready for it! 

So! I hope you guys like this look! πŸ˜€πŸ’œ I think it’s lovely and is romantic and gruesome enough to make Valentine’s Day completely tolerable. ☺️πŸ”ͺ

Also! If you’re on Twitter be sure to follow me @Sarahseado if you’d like to keep updated with videos of SFX stuff! My LIVE periscope tutorials broadcast on there as well! If you have periscope don’t be shy! Send me your handle so that I can start doing live Vespertine House SFX parties with giveaways n shit! πŸ˜€πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈ

So tell me, what’re you doing for Valentine’s Day? What did you think of this makeup? What else do you want to see in the future? Love you dearly, and you’re definitely my Valentine today. πŸ˜ŒπŸ’œπŸ”ͺ



Nefarious News: Devinah Cosmetics

I am super stoked to announce that I am now an official Devinah Cosmetics affiliate! πŸ˜†πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Devinah Cosmetics is an indie cosmetics brand that specializes in their handmade, hand pressed, high pigment eyeshadows, made right here in the U.S.! ☺️ their products are cruelty free, affordable and gorgeous! πŸ’œπŸ’œ


Devinah shadows will now be my signature go-to for SFX makeup! I ordered my first 6 shades and I can’t wait to start using them! β˜ΊοΈπŸŽ‰

I hope you will have a look at some of their stuff available on their etsy shop and also follow them on Instagram! πŸ’œπŸŽƒ 

Also! If you decide to buy a pan or two, use my name SARAHSEADO, as a coupon code to receive 10% off your order! πŸ˜†πŸ’œ



Sweet Spooks: Misc. Looks & Giveaway Winner!

So, this weekend was crazy fun! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ

Did a lot of shopping with my dad and picked up some more Halloween necessities! πŸŽƒ

My knee was super sore after all that though. πŸ˜” it’s much better and nearly normal except for pain on the inner side. Sucks. But! I think it’ll be perfect in another couple weeks. ☺️

The last few nights I’ve been doing random things with SFX makeup. Really just keeping myself busy with nothing in mind. ☺️

Thought I’d share! 



Now, nothing really notable for either of these, I just got bored and messed around lol. ☺️

I call the first look Tinder Predator and the second Just a Little Work Done. β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜€

Now! In more important news: the winner of the Halloween giveaway! 


It was so awesome reading the responses to the contest! You guys are the best! πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈ I chose the winner which is Amy at CREEPSTER! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜€πŸ’œ Congrats, Amy! Please get in touch with me ASAP so I can send you your goodies: Sarah at rocksmanagement dot com!πŸ’œπŸŽƒ

I’ll have a new SFX makeup tonight maybe! The response to the Sweet Spooks series is amazing and I’m so happy you guys are digging this. πŸ’œ Love you!

Tell me, what did you do this weekend? ☺️



Sweet Spooks: ‘The Purge’ SFX Tutorial Success

I have been wanting to delve into my makeup all week, but was just a bit too busy.

But last night! Last night was another story!☺️😏

I got home, crashed, woke up, made two pumpkin cookie cakes for my parents and my sister, and a big batch of sugar cookies that I decorated for a friend I’ll be seeing tomorrow. ☺️ 

I do so love baking.πŸ’œπŸŽƒπŸ’œ

So! After that, I sat and watched Halloweentown with Frankenstein.πŸΆπŸ’œ he loves that movie! ☺️

I decided that the night was young and I could manage to try a makeup before bed!πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰

Now, I went with an all makeup, zero practical effects, paint because I really truly want to improve my makeup and body paint skills. Right now I have zero in that department lol!πŸ˜‚ but, I’m making an effort to try from now on. 😌

Makeup blogger and overall awesome girl, MadeYewLook, has some of the most amazing body paint tutorials ever! πŸ’œ She’s my body paint fave, the way Glam and Gore is my SFX fave.πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈ

I decided to try her Purge mask makeup tutorial because it didn’t seem that difficult…

Holy shit bombs was I wrong, but the payoff was great😏πŸ”ͺ…


For an extremely intricate makeup that involved a lot of light-play, I think I did okay! I was shocked it came out remotely alright lolπŸ˜‚ 

I seriously had to go through the process twice because everything just looked so muddled the first time. πŸ˜” I tried to follow her steps to a tee, but they just weren’t applicable for what I was working with. πŸ˜’

I ended up kinda using my own freestyle method on the eyes to get the same effect she had in the end, and also used a darker rose colored lipstick with a light brown blush dusted on top to make the lips pop. ☺️

In the end, it looked fucking crazy lol but in a good way! πŸ˜†πŸŽ‰πŸ”ͺπŸŽƒI could definitely improve, and having a proper array of body paints and colors would most definitely help. β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘πŸ»

I’ll need to have like a Go Fund Me or something to pay for that business. πŸ˜‚β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ

All in all, pretty neat, yeah? πŸ˜€ Share your thoughts because I love you and love it when we talk! πŸ’œ

Til then… Let me purge? πŸ”ͺπŸ˜€πŸ”ͺ




Sweet Spooks: ‘Masque of the Red Death’ SFX Run ThroughΒ 

Well, I’m still down for the count with my knee injury. πŸ˜”

It seems to be improving, just at a really slow rate right now. Hopefully I’ll be much much better this time next week. Fingers crossed!πŸ€πŸ˜†πŸ€

The last few days I haven’t done much outside of sleeping, but I did find the energy Sunday night to do a SFX makeup! πŸŽ‰

I haven’t done one in a while and I figured I’d work with the mask I had already prepped and the new liquid latex I just bought! ☺️

This was the result:

Overall, effective but not entirely what I had hoped as far as dimension goes. The major issue here was getting that mask to sit flush with my face. Not at all possible as it had very little give and would just pull the latex adhesive off from underneath (serious ouch for me mind you😣). 

For as lovely as that mask was to work with in prepping, it was a pain to try to negotiate with on my face. πŸ˜‚β˜ΊοΈ This look would have been way better had I used the elastic band to hold it in place, and worked the edges around that. Which would be possible if! It wasn’t so hard to see once it was on ☺️ lol! 

The edging was done with liquid latex and paper towels and quickly turned into a mess as I couldn’t tell how much blood was being added. πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ» yes, this wasn’t the easiest or my best endeavor lol. 

Overall, it looked okay, but I would definitely do a few things differently:

  • Use the flimsy plastic masks in prep as those are way more malleable and would probably be easier to adhere.
  • Consider using blackout contacts for things like this- or discover a much better, sheer black fabric for use! ☺️
  • Buildup the edges more and use scab or gel blood to reduce that weird muddling you see on my cheeks there lol

I really love the idea though! And the name seems fitting 😏 (Shout out to EA-Poe!) but I’d approach it a little differently in the future. ☺️


So! What do you think? You know I love your comments. πŸ’œ



Ghastly Giveaway: Halloween Edition

So, I promised a little surprise in my next post! ☺️

And here it is! πŸŽ‰

It’s another giveaway! πŸ˜†πŸŽƒπŸŽ‰

This time I’m giving away a small package of scar wax and the most adorable Ghostface pen in all the land! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ


I figured the wax might help a little with your creepy costume endeavors this haunting season and the pen just screams awesome! πŸ˜†

😏 See what I did there? 

Anyways, this contest will end on October 5th and is only open to U.S. residents (I’m sorry to my far away friends here πŸ˜” it’s to ensure it arrives before the end of the month and shipping outside of the country is ridic 😒) . 

Here’s how it works:

  • You can participate via Instagram or your blog (if you don’t use Instagram)
  • Post a photo of your favorite Halloween related thing- it can be you in costume from a previous year, decor you have or want, a movie, candy, weather, photography- anything! 
  • Caption the photo with “My favorite thing about #Halloween is…” and give me your best answer! Make sure you hashtag with #VESPERTINEHOUSE so I can find your post! 
  • Same rules apply to blog posts, just tag your post with Vespertine House and link back to this post! ☺️
  • ONE ENTRY PER PERSON! I will pick my favorite post and announce the winner on the 5th!
  • BONUS: even if you don’t win, I will repost all entries on my personal Instagram and Facebook! ☺️ be sure to include your blog name or link if you want that shared! 

That’s it! Simple and fun! There’s always a chance I’ll throw more goodies in your package too 😏 who knows! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ So, get to posting, people! πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈ

What do you guys think of this contest? Seem fun? 



Sweet Spooks: ‘Bloody Creature Poster Girl’ SFX Makeup

This will probably be the last SpecialFX makeup I do this week as I’m breaking out a little from the scrubbing that goes on afterwards lol.☺️ I have sensitive skin as is, so I’m going to give it a little rest to recover.πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»

Backstory on ‘Bloody Creature Poster Girl’: This girl is a work in progress and just needs someone to… finish her.😢 As for the name, I immediately thought In This Moment’s Bloody Creature Poster Girl was fitting!πŸ˜€

After my second attempt at burns, I got to thinking of different looks I could create and what else I could try my hand at (mainly for my own amusement, partly because I love reading your reactions to my SFX tests).πŸ’œ

I came up with this look after thinking about what objects I could use in a makeup.


I know a lot of makeup artists have used bottles and cans or small blunt objects in their makeups, but I kind of wanted to do something different.😌


I really wanted the objects in my makeup to have a practical purpose…😏

It really doesn’t get anymore practical than using pushpins to keep your eyes in place!☺️


This makeup took 3 hours to complete mainly because of all the drying needed for the paper pieces.πŸ˜’ I also had to take my time with painting everything as wet foundation makes white glue disobey.πŸ˜‘

Overall, this was a lot more gruesome than I had originally intended for it to be lol!😍


I really liked the way the pins, stitches and hanging needle looked but the seams of the paper around the eyes were a mess that I wish could have looked more flush with my skin.πŸ˜’

I really think it may be time for me to consider moving on to liquid latex and scar wax. Latex just works better to hide edges and drys so much faster and scar wax would be perfect for cleaning up this kind of look and making it more fleshy without sacrificing any dimension or depth!☺️

So, what do you think of my Bloody Creature Poster Girl?! ☺️Gross enough? I need ideas for future looks to attempt! If you have any, feel free to share and I’ll make a comprehensive list! Love you all.πŸ’œ

